Everyone is familiar with the information overload experience. Having spent your hard-earned cash on the latest product, perhaps a Smart TV, that promises to transform your life, you switch it on and are presented with a myriad of options, none of which you require....
Technical WritingOur insights offer views on diverse subjects from our in-house experts and select contributors. We regularly update this resource with thought-provoking articles and news items of interest to those working at the cutting edge of the tech-comm revolution.
Comparing XML Authoring Tools: Xopus vs Arbortext (Part 1)
For technical writers, extensible markup language (XML) is a lifesaver. It helps us deliver high-quality technical documentation by applying consistent style and structure to our writing. By using XML, we create single-source documentation that can then be delivered...
Technical Writers in the Development Cycle: Agile vs Waterfall
Project team members’ grasp of the technical specifics underpinning a project management methodology can sometimes resemble a native speaker’s grasp of grammar. On the surface, it seems more than adequate, but don’t ask them to explain the present perfect continuous....
User-Centred Health Communications: Techcomm and the Public Good
Good health is essential to us all. When we experience poor health or need guidance to improve it, we rely on healthcare providers to assist us. The healthcare industry is obligated to ensure that the communications about the products and information it provides, from...
Creating Documentation with Limited Resources: Weighing Up the Outsourcing Options
Outsourcing is a valuable tool for project managers with limited resources, under pressure to deliver a user manual, training guide, or datasheet. We outline two outsourcing options for delivering high-quality documentation and identify the scenarios with which they...
Writing Instructional Video Scripts: Eight Top Tips
When you are creating an instructional video, whether it is about a product or a concept, it is important that you first write a script. A script will keep you on topic and will inform the visual elements of your video. To get you started, we have put together a list...