The Need for an AI Codex | Written by Dr Sean Power If your organisation develops or uses AI, you probably need an AI Codex. New technology usually forces a gap between, on the one hand, regulations and general industry advice and, on the other hand, what your...
Emerging TechnologiesOur insights offer views on diverse subjects from our in-house experts and select contributors. We regularly update this resource with thought-provoking articles and news items of interest to those working at the cutting edge of the tech-comm revolution.
ChatGPT & Me: Memoir of a Collaboration
Written by Heidi Staples. Originally published in the Summer 2023 edition of the Communicator. Artificial intelligence (AI) and human writing collaboration is a growing trend in the field of content creation. While AI technology has made significant strides in...
Is ChatGPT our “Sputnik” moment?
Written by Kieran Fitzpatrick. This article was originally published in the Summer 2023 Edition of the Communicator. Predictably, the inaugural edition of Communicator in October 1968 focused on defining technical communication and its practitioners. In particular,...
Leveraging the Benefits of Structured Content for the Life Science Industry
Structured content is an important tool for formatting and managing content used across many industries. Companies in the life sciences are beginning to implement structured content authoring to shorten the time it takes to get a product to a patient, improve quality,...
The Art of Saying Less: Minimalism
Everyone is familiar with the information overload experience. Having spent your hard-earned cash on the latest product, perhaps a Smart TV, that promises to transform your life, you switch it on and are presented with a myriad of options, none of which you require....
The Power of Innovation Leadership: Future-Proof Technical Writing Teams and Build an Innovation Culture
By now, you’ve probably scoured the annual thoughtful articles predicting breakout trends and market...