Whether you call it telecommuting, remote working, or simply working from home (WFH), most of us are doing it these days and will continue to do so for a while. While we have had the opportunity to settle into this way of working, many managers of remote teams still...
TelecommutingOur insights offer views on diverse subjects from our in-house experts and select contributors. We regularly update this resource with thought-provoking articles and news items of interest to those working at the cutting edge of the tech-comm revolution.
Telecommuting Part 6: Ergonomic Essentials for Remote Working
Housemaid’s knee, gamekeeper’s thumb, tennis elbow, and farmer’s tan – most industrial and manufacturing activities throughout the ages have had their own occupational risks and overuse syndromes. As technical writers, we use screens for hours on end, whether in the...
Telecommuting Part 5: Onboarding Remote Employees
As a company that has a large pool of employees that work via telecommuting, TWi has a long-established tradition of onboarding new team members using an online strategy in conjunction with office-based and on-site training. As our blog piece on the telecommuting...
Telecommuting Part 4: Survival Tips for Remote Working Parents
The year is 2017, and an American academic and expert on Korean relations, Robert Kelly, is explaining politics live on BBC World from his home in South Korea. It seems like a straightforward telecommuting segment until his kids interrupt him in a boisterous and...
Telecommuting Part 3: The Best Remote Learning Resources
In 1959, then-senator John F. Kennedy introduced a new trope to the western world when he famously evoked the Chinese word wēijī – “crisis”. It’s composed of two elements, said the future president: danger (危 - wēi) and opportunity (机 - jī). Kennedy wasn’t quite...
Telecommuting Part 2: Remote Working Policies and Infrastructure
Telecommuting, or working from home, has been a fundamental part of working in TWi since day one. In the near 10 years since the company was founded, we have developed a solid and sustainable telecommuting culture. Underpinning this culture are policies and procedures...